PA (IBHS)- YEARLY 20hrs for Directors/Consultants (Behavior Analysts et. al.) WITH LICENSE/CERT & WITH Experience
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20-hour Training
This training course meets the initial 20-hour training requirements set forth by Pennsylvania (IBHS) for practitioners that work as Admin Directors, Clinical Directors, and/or Behavior Consultants who DO possess an ABA certification/licensure and have experience working with individuals with developmental, and mental and other disabilities (to include ASD). Professional students who complete this course will have satisfied the following Pennsylvania-mandated training elements:
- Crisis intervention skills, including risk management, de-escalation techniques, and safety planning.
- Behavior management skills and coaching.
- Child and adolescent development
- Overview of serious emotional disturbance& other behavioral or psychosocial needs of children, youth/young adults
- Professional ethics, conduct, and confidentiality.
- Psychotropic medications, including common side effects.
This training bundle includes:
2. Ensuring Treatment Integrity
3. Ethics: Review of Ethics and Changes in Professional and Compliance Code
4. Ethics: Code Section 2.0 Behavior Analysts’ Responsibility to Clients
5. Introduction to Human Development
6. Introduction to Developmental and Mental Health Diagnoses
Please Note: You will still be required to complete the following training w/ an approved provider to fully meet the PA requirements:
- Requirement 1: Sections 6301—6386 of 23 Pa.C.S. (relating to Child Protective Services Law) and mandated reporting requirements. Act 31 Online Training provided by University of Pittsburgh School of Social Work (3 hours) https://www.socialwork.pitt.edu/researchtraining/child-welfare-programs/act-31-line-training
- Requirement 7: First aid, universal precautions, and safety.
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