RBT Package: RBT 2.0 Online Training w/ Exam Prep
RBT 2.0 Training
Including Exam Prep
This training program is based on the RBT® Task List (2nd ed.) and is designed to meet the 40-hour training requirement for RBT certification. The program is offered independently of the BACB.
This program exceeds the training required by the BACB as part of obtaining the RBT credential. This program is unique in that it not only covers task list items outlined by the board but also includes other important topics RBTs will encounter while working in the field of behavior analysis. Our previous RBT 1.0 course was a great success with self-reporting from students that 94% of those who utilized our past course passed the exam on their first attempt. This training also includes RBT® Exam Prep Success - Practice Simulation Exams and Concentrated Test Banks including immediate and on-demand virtual access at the time of purchase.
Course Format & Benefits:
(Please note: Each student must take the class for a minimum of 5 days to cover the BACB's requirements.)
Benefits include:
- BACB RBT Task List 2.0- MATCHED course subjects that can be easily identified
- A total of 21 modules were delivered by multiple instructors to prevent monotony
- Over 80 integrated Active Student Responding (ASRs) throughout the course to build fluency
- More than 60 Video-Modeling presentations & scenarios to demonstrate the proper application of ABA
- Students get exposed to 250 questions with multiple SDs to support the retention of acquired skills
- Immediate delivery of Certificate of Completion with the successful passing of the program
- The Course also includes.....
- Relevant Study Resources, PPTs, Downloadable tools, and eBooks
- Built-in Pre/Post-Module Quizzes to establish baseline knowledge & per-module learner growth
- A Comprehensive Final Exam to demonstrate mastery of concepts and identify areas to revisit
Download Course Overview HERE
Module 1: ABA Overview
Module 2: Section F (Part I)- Role of an RBT® and Career Advancement
Module 3: Comprehensive Overview of ABA Techniques - Back to the Basics
Module 4: Section A (Part 1)-Measurement- The Science and Driving Force of ABA
Module 5: Section A (Part 2)-Measurement- Without Data and Analysis . . .It Does Not Exist
Module 6: Section E- Documenting and Reporting- CART: Confidentiality, Accountability, Reliability, and Trustworthy
Module 7: Section B (Part 1)- Assessment - The Starting Point of a Successful ABA Program
Module 8: Section B (Part 2)- Assessment- Remove the Assumption and Identify the Function
Module 9: Section F (Part 2)- Review of the RBT® Ethics Code
Module 10: Section F (Part 3)- RBT® Ethics & Scenarios
Module 11: Section D (Part 1)- Behavior Reduction- Introduction to Problem Behaviors
Module 12: Section D (Part 2)- Behavior Reduction- Using Evidence-Based Techniques to Change the MO & Decrease Problem Behaviors
Module 13: Section D (Part 3)- Behavior Reduction- Implementing Reinforcement while Decreasing Problematic Behaviors
Module 14: Section D (Part 4)- Behavior Reduction- Severe Problem Behavior and Scenarios
Module 15: Section C (Part 1)- Skill Acquisition- Intro to Skill Acquisition
Module 16: Section C (Part 2)- Skill Acquisition- Teaching the Way the Student Learns
Module 17: Section C (Part 3)- Skill Acquisition- From Table-time to the Real-world
Module 18: Section C (Part 4)- Skill Acquisition- Building and Teaching Complex Skills
Module 19: Section C (Part 5)- Skill Acquisition- Visuals and Prompting
Module 20: Transition in Practice Series with Dr. Peter Gerhardt: Planning for Transition (Middle School to High School)
Module 21: Implementing Programming
Our RBT® Exam Prep Success - Practice Simulation Exams and Concentrated Test Banks give you access to the following:
Virtual Simulation Exams
- RBT® Exam Prep Success- Test Bank (simulation 1)
- RBT® Exam Prep Success- Test Bank (simulation 2)
RBT Credential- please see www.bacb.com/rbt for requirements for credentials and renewal requirements.
NOTE: The BACB will no longer offer remote testing for the RBT examination beginning September 1, 2023. As of that date, candidates must take the examination in person at an authorized testing center. Click on the "Find the Test Center" link on the right panel of the site to find a testing center near your area https://home.pearsonvue.com/bacb.
We are in the process of creating an updated RBT ethics webinar based on questions and scenarios commonly experienced by BTs and RBTs in the field. This will be added to the RBT 2.0 Online Training Course as an additional training video.
You can purchase the course and request a later start date. However, this start date should not be later than 3 months from the date of purchase. This program MUST be finished within 180 days from start to finish otherwise, you will not be eligible for the RBT credential's next steps.
For cancellations and refunds, please see our policy HERE.

Aim High

Natalie C. Acevedo Rodriguez

Nadia Zaoudi

Juliet Newberry


Christine Caragiulo

Kinga Coubard
Kinga M. Coubard, Ph.D.

Christiana Ogunfowora

Monique Morris

Tiffani Pearsall

Keyona John

Cristina Fernandez

Deepak Gulati

Zachary Way

Latisha Jackson

Sarga Jose