CEU: Social Skills Part 2: Elementary Social Skills Predictors of Future Success
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BCBA CEUs: 2-BACB General
QABA CEUs: 2- General
IBAO CEUs: 2- General
APA/CESA: 2 General (Home Study)
Description: Though a social skills deficit is recognized as a core characteristic of autism spectrum diagnosis, in practice many treatment programs and school classrooms struggle to find ways to accomplish success in this area. In some cases, social skills are not adequately addressed in the early years due to a perception these skills are too advanced to focus on at such a young age, or not appropriate for children that also have verbal and cognitive deficits.Yet evidence shows children who lack social and emotional competence experience a delay in the acquisition of fundamental academic skills (Barbarin et al., 2006). During this training, we review intervention strategies used to increase social competence, eight primary behavior categories targeted by the social intervention, and identify ways to begin social competence training with children in the beginning stages of treatment and communication ability.
Learning Objectives:
1. Identify important social skills to assess for and treat in this age group
2. Understand strategies and specific tasks that may be implemented to increase social competence
3. Increase understanding of executive function definition and tasks related to building executive function skills
TIMELINE: This course, on its own has a license for active use for 30-days unless it is purchased as part of a bundle/library.
MANDATORY DISCLAIMER: The Behavior Analyst Certification Board (“BACB”) does not sponsor, approve, or endorse Special Learning, the materials, information, or sessions identified herein.
NOTE: CEs claimed on any training completed can only be claimed once. If you repeat training you’ve already claimed CEs on, you won’t be able to claim the CEs again. Please ensure you have not already completed and claimed the CEs for the training module before purchase. Want to customize your training? You can build your own CE library. See our main page!. For cancellations and refunds, please see our policy.

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