ABCs of Sensory Processing Disorder: Where Do I Start?
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Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) affects nearly 16% of school-aged kids in the U.S.. Shockingly, in children with autism, the prevalence rate skyrockets to 75% to 90%. Although this condition affects tens of millions of children around the world, there is a scarcity of healthcare professionals with the expertise to effectively treat this condition.
Special Learning is proud to announce that we are launching a Sensory Processing Disorder (SPD) training series. In partnership with Angela Sallerson, OTR/L, and SIPT-certified Ready Approach therapist, our live training webinars will be delivered in conjunction with experts from other disciplines, including behavior analysis and speech, to provide a broader perspective and a person-centered, integrated service delivery model designed to achieve the best outcomes in an efficient and effective manner.
In our introductory training, "ABCs of Sensory Processing Disorder: Where Do I Start?" Angela Sallerson, OTR/L, and Amanda Fishley, BCBA will provide students with a foundational knowledge of sensory processing. The training will introduce students to the Ready Approach, an effective methodology created by Bonnie Hanschu, an intervention framework that incorporates sensory strategies throughout the day to generate better outcomes.
Using a scenario-based format, we will review common sensory-related behaviors from a behavior analytic and an OT perspective to discuss a blended-model approach.
Target Audience: Parents, Educators, BCBAs, SLPs, OTs, Psychologists
Learning Outcomes:
- Guidelines on how to recognize and address sensory-related challenges
- Learn to identify behaviors that may be related to sensory processing issues
- Identify and interpret challenging behaviors driven by sensory needs
- Differentiate four sensory processing problems and the red flags associated with each (using the Ready Approach perspective)
- Prioritize sensory needs and the order in which they should be addressed
- Learn strategies to help individuals who avoid touching or resist movement (Defensiveness)
- Identify and learn strategies to help calm individuals who are upset or overly aroused (Modulation)
- Identify and learn strategies to help overly active sensory seekers (Registration)
- Identify and learn practical, effective strategies to use in the home, school, and center-based settings
- Learn the basic framework of collaboration between OTRs and BCBAs when working with a child with a dual diagnosis of Autism and Sensory Processing Disorder exhibiting behavior and the sequence/approach to intervention.
QABA and BACB Approved CE Provider
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