Educators: PD for First-Year Educators & Free Teachers Toolkit
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- Full 12-month access to The educators Professional Development Video Library (Valued at over $1,106!)
- FREE SEL Teacher Toolkit that includes 13 Social Emotional Learning Coloring books and social stories covering a wide range of social and emotional topics.
SPED professionals take on extraordinary measures to increase the outcomes for students with Special Needs and enable them to reach their highest potential. So, where do you get the time to catch up on the most effective and evidence-based practices to support your professional development? That’s where we come in! With our specially designed Special Educators Professional Development Video Library, you can access on-demand video content that allows you to learn the how-tos to successfully transform your classroom into an incredible learning environment for students with special needs, and typical students.
Titles included in the Library:
- IEP Collaboration
- Multidisciplinary Collaboration Series: Module 1- IEP Team
Common Learning Abilities in the Classroom
- What is Autism?
- ADD/ADHD Training Series: Q&A with Dr. Ronald T. Brown, PhD
- ABCs of Sensory Processing Disorder: Where Do I Start?
Positive Classroom Management Strategies
- Pairing (building compliance)
- Strategies to Increase Beginner Classroom Participation Skills
- Strategies to Increase Beginner Classroom Participation Skills: Teaching Methods in Application
Behaviors in the Classroom
- ABCs of Functional Behavior Assessment
- Methods of Preventing Challenging Behavior
- Strategies to Increase Beginner Classroom Participation Skills: Decreasing Problem Behavior with an FBA: Part 1
- Strategies to Increase Beginner Classroom Participation Skills: Decreasing Problem Behavior with an FBA: Part 2 - The Intervention and Behavior Support Plan
Adaptive and Social Skills plus Monitoring Progress
- Toilet Training 101: How to Get Started
- Data Collection Procedures
Free SEL Teacher Toolkit has Social Story Coloring Book titles that include:
- Asking for help
- Different ways to say goodbye
- Interrupting
- Raising my hand
- Saying goodbye
- Saying hi
- Saying thank you
- Trying when it's hard
- Using manners
- Using my words not my feet
- Using my words not my hands
- Waiting my turn
- Walking down the hallway
For cancellations and refunds, please see our return policy HERE.

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