Collaborative Practice For Improved Outcomes: A Case Example Of Transdisciplinary Multielement Behaviour Support
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Chloe Fung, Taylor Neel, Rebecca L. Beights, PhD & Geoff Potter, PhD, Transdisciplinary practice offers participants a comprehensive approach to removing barriers resulting from behaviour of concern, increasing skills, and improving quality of life. Conceptually, behaviour support professionals identify benefits and importance of transdisciplinary practice (e.g., Griffiths et al., 2021; Light-Shriner et al., 2023; Pollack et al., 2024). Practically, transdisciplinary collaboration may be more challenging, which could limit the opportunity for greater outcomes related to behaviours of concern and skill maintenance and generalisation. The current presentation reviews a case example of transdisciplinary practice using a multielement behaviour support (MEBS) framework. “Henry” is a 10-year-old male diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder. Henry’s MEBS plan targeted reduction in behaviours of concern (verbal outbursts, flopping, elopement, and unsafe car behaviour) and increase in functional communication. Plan implementation included collaboration with education staff, therapy assistants, speech pathologist, and occupational therapist. Results of the MEBS plan with transdisciplinary collaboration show significant decreases in the rate and episodic severity of behaviours of concern and increases in communication skills. Recommendations and practical implications of MEBS with transdisciplinary practice will be discussed.

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